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Jihad in the Arabian Sea (Hoover Institution Press Publication), by Camille Pecastaing
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Camille Pecastaing looks at the twenty-first-century challenges facing the region around the Bab el Mandeb-the tiny strait that separates the Red Sea from the Indian Ocean-from civil war, piracy, radical Islamism, terrorism and the real risk of environmental and economic failure on both sides of the strait. The author takes us with him into Somalia and Yemen, Eritrea and Djibouti, with excursions into Ethiopia and the Sudan, as he reveals how the economic and environmental crisis currently in gestation could lead to more social dislocation and violence in this strategically important region.
- Sales Rank: #3516795 in Books
- Brand: Brand: Hoover Institution Press
- Published on: 2011-09-01
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 8.50" h x .80" w x 5.50" l, 1.20 pounds
- Binding: Hardcover
- 170 pages
- Used Book in Good Condition
From the Inside Flap
At the dawn of the twenty-first century, the challenges for the countries on the shores of the Arabian Sea are many: civil war, piracy, radical Islamism, transnational terrorism, and a real risk of environmental and economic failure on both sides of the strait. Yet its strategic importance as a conduit for maritime trade between Asia and the Mediterranean world is as great as it was when Egyptian pharaohs built a canal between the Nile and the Red Sea. Today, as then, the lands around the Bab el Mandeb are as difficult to pacify as the Red Sea was treacherous to navigate.
In Jihad in the Arabian Sea, Camille Pecastaing leads us through the history and geography of the region, illuminating the tests it faces today. He describes the collapse of the Somali state under Syad Barre in the 1980s and details the struggle between the warlord Aideed and the UN and US forces in the early 1990s. He outlines the history of modern Yemen, from the civil war of the 1960s to the reunification process. And he reviews the activity of Al Qaeda in the region, from the assassination attempt against Mubarak in Addis Ababa in 1995 up until the double US embassy bombing in the summer of 1998, as well as examining the preparation and execution of the “naval terrorism” attacks—against the USS The Sullivans, the USS Cole, and the French tanker the Limburg. In addition, Pecastaing discusses how the state of lawlessness in Somalia has led to the rise of piracy in the western Indian Ocean, offering a brief narration of the most spectacular hijackings.
For foreign powers, Pecastaing concludes, the Horn of Africa is a conundrum. The strategic risk is mitigated by the logistic limitations of the local outfits, their lack of capacity to project power outside the region. The costs of trying to impose law and order most certainly outweigh the benefits, as least in financial terms. As long as local violence does not make too much of a splash in the global media, foreign governments will continue to look the other way.
From the Back Cover
The Gates of Tears
The Bab el Mandeb, which separates the Red Sea from the Indian Ocean, has conjoined Africa and Asia and provided a key Eurasian trade route for at least the last 2,500 years. But the lands and coasts across the Bab el Mandeb have for centuries had a forbidding reputation as lands of piracy and privation. In Jihad in the Arabian Sea, Camille Pecastaing examines the twenty-first-century challenges facing this troubled and treacherous region.
Pecastaing looks at the past and present of the key players in the area, including Somalia, Yemen, Eritrea, Djibouti, the Sudan, and Ethiopia, reviewing the terrorist activities of Al Qaeda, the state of lawlessness that has led to the rise of piracy in the western Indian Ocean, the rise of the radical Shabab group, and the spread of extremist forms of Islam in the south. The author displays a real feel for the land, seamlessly blending history and current headlines to paint a picture of a region that, for most of the past two thousand years, has never quite evolved into the era of the modern state.
About the Author
Camille Pecastaing is an assistant professor of Middle East studies at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University. His areas of expertise include historical sociology, evolutionary social psychology, and comparative politics.
Most helpful customer reviews
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent Primer
By Shane
This book is a very detailed and far-ranging exploration of Jihad in North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. It has enough details and background to make it worthwhile for one who wants to understand the situation thoroughly, but the number of names, movements, and concepts explored might turn off the casual reader.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Great survey of Jihadi History
By Dylan Byrd
Camille Pecastaing's Jihad in the Arabian Sea is a great survey of Jihadi history in Arabian peninsula and East Africa. My research background is in the Levant and North Africa, so I was able to connect many dots to the development of Militant Islamist in the region. Pecastaing's writing style is simple, clear and easily understood. The only problem I had with the bood was the number of names that were unfamiliar to me. I had to stop many times to remember who was who and what their history was. Thankfully I can remember who many of these people are now.
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